25 January 2014

Errors Found in Previous Post

I have found a couple of errors in my first post on 20 April 2010 that reads, in part,
To define a point on a plane, you specify two values on each of two axes out of a possible three.  This contrasts with the Cartesian coordinate system, where you would pick two axes out of a possible of four axes....
It should say something more like,
To define a point on a plane with my coordinate system, you specify one value on each of two axes out of a possible three.  This is different from the Cartesian coordinate system, where you would pick one axis out of a possible four, and then another out of a possible of two....
I think I prefer the other method of locating points that is used further in the post.  It says that you can pick regions, or quadrants in the case of the two dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, and then specify them with appropriately sized bits of information.

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